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Table 3 Post-simulation questions to evaluate learning via perceived impact on clinical performance

From: Using simulation-based learning to provide interprofessional education in diabetes to nutrition and dietetics and exercise physiology students through telehealth

Rate your perceived impact that the addition of simulation-based learning may have on your:

 1. Performance in the area of communication

 2. Performance in the area of client assessments

 3. Ability to work with another health professional

 4. The simulation has made me better prepared to manage a patient with diabetes in collaboration with another health professional

 5. Performance in the area of client management (completed by EP students only as this was not a learning outcome specific to N&D students)

Open ended responses required:

 Please describe the most effective part of the simulated learning experience that positively impacted on your clinical performance during this clinical placement.

 Please describe the least effective part of the simulated learning experience that did not positively impact on your clinical performance during this clinical placement. How could this be improved?